South America News 

International Church of Christ

By ICOC Disciples Today August 6, 2022
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We Thank You - Disciples Today
By ICOC Disciples Today June 26, 2021
All of us at Disciples Today thank you for your support.
By Justin Renton August 30, 2019
Travel with disciples from Buenos Aires on a mission trip to help the church in San Luis for a month.
By Marcia S November 12, 2015
We are incredibly excited to announce that HOPE worldwide Bolivia officially opened The International Medical Center in La Paz, Bolivia on October 3, 2015. The Center provides high-quality medical care that is a sustainable social enterprise, which means that the clinic proceeds will go towards supporting health services and social programs run by HOPE worldwide Bolivia and our partnership Foundation Arco Iris. These services and programs are focused on meeting the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable children and families in La Paz.
HOPE in Bolivia
By Marcia S June 19, 2015
LaPaz, Bolivia - For the third year in a row, a group of volunteers from the Northview Church, in Roswell, GA, served with the HOPE worldwide Bolivia team for nine days. The group, comprised of eight teens and four adults, poured themselves out and gave selflessly to work with the poor. Here is what a couple of the volunteers shared.
HOPEww Bolivia
By Marcia S January 7, 2015
We hope that your family and loved ones enjoyed a happy and healthy holiday season. December was a busy month for HOPE worldwide Bolivia. Among many activities this Christmas, we coordinated donations to over 40 families of food, clothing and toys and lots of love. On Christmas Eve we held a special joyful evening of movies, gifts and popcorn for orphans.
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