North America News 

International Church of Christ

By ICOC Disciples Today March 11, 2023
Christian Ray and Deb Flores share their stories of finding Christ and finding each other, and how they use their talents to serve others through @ATXTribe @ascendmissionfund @thirddrive4377.
By ICOC Disciples Today August 6, 2022
This App is designed to equip, inspire and connect you to mission opportunities all around the world. Download it today!
We Thank You - Disciples Today
By ICOC Disciples Today June 26, 2021
All of us at Disciples Today thank you for your support.
Why I left the ICOC and then came back – Kent Washington
By ICOC Disciples Today May 23, 2021
Here is Kent's story and experience with the International Churches of Christ.
Why I left the ICOC and then came back – Ryan Hoke
By ICOC Disciples Today May 23, 2021
Ryan Hoke tells his story of joining and leaving the International Churches of Christ, and then coming back.
By Justin Renton March 4, 2020
Growth and Faith-Building Stories from the International Churches of Christ in Hawaii.
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