ICOC HotNews was created by Mike and Justin with the simple goal of making available information and news from the ICOC (International Church of Christ) congregations around the world. We are not the official voice of the ICOC but our goal is to inform, give opinion and keep up to date with developments within this family of churches.
Who writes the stories? Our correspondents from around the world file stories and report the news. Our editorial team includes Karen Louis (MA - Counselling), Dave Pocta (MA - Div), Our newest member comes with nearly twenty years experience as a professional journalist, Vida Li-Sik (BA - Journalism). This news site is absolutely a team effort.
So sit back and enjoy.
The Editors
The ICOC, or International Church of Christ, is a family of churches spread across 155 nations of the World. They are racially integrated congregations made up of a diversity of people from various age groups, economic and social backgrounds. They believe Jesus came to break down the dividing wall of hostility between the races and people groups of this world and unite mankind under the Lordship of Christ (Ephesians 2:11-22). They are non-denominational and as a family of churches are structured to avoid two extremes; disconnected autonomy and overly centralised authority.
They believe anyone, anywhere who follows God's plan of salvation in the bible and lives under the Lordship of Jesus, will be saved. Christians are saved by
the grace of God, through
their faith in Jesus Christ, at
baptism. (Ephesians 2:10, Romans 3:22, Acts 2:38, Matthew 28:18-20) They do not subscribe to the "sinners prayer" as a biblical method of conversion (James 2:20-26). While holding to sound doctrine is important, the ICOC teaches that Jesus is "full of grace and truth" (John 1:17) and that ultimately God decides who will be saved.
Jesus taught his followers to make disciples of all nations, baptise them and then continue to teach them to obey all his teachings. (Matthew 28:18-20) In keeping with this plan, all members have a mentor/trainer whom they choose for themselves to pray with, encourage them and do life together as followers of Christ. This simple plan has had its challenges, but has also had some amazing blessings and the churches have expanded rapidly around the world.. Starting in 1979 with about 30 members, the ICOC exploded to more than 37 000 members within it's first twelve years. Most recently they have grown from 88 000 members in 590 congregations, to currently 112 000 members in 755 congregations.