Special services in month of March see over 2 300 in attendance in Johannesburg, South Africa
Vida Li Sik • April 14, 2019
Bring A Hero, Bring Your Family and Christian Under Construction
- these were some of the themes of the special Sunday services held in different regions of the Johannesburg Church of Christ over the course of the month of March.
And so visitors came from all over the city. They saw. And they loved it. Every one of those who formed part of the 2 378 in attendance.
In the North West and Central Regions, the aim was to say "Thank you. You are a hero to me," to the special people all around us who've impacted our lives. Family members, teachers, doctors, bosses, colleagues, and neighbours were among some of the under-appreciated heroes in our different communities who are often taken for granted.
The North West region service was capped off with the baptism of Mama Maria - one of the graduates from the HOPE worldwide
SA's Shield community programme. Mam' Maria lives in an informal settlement and one of the family groups in the church "adopted" her family, taking care of their social needs until they could stand on their feet.
The members of the church in Johannesburg love to sing and enjoyed great times of worship, and fellowship around meals. A number of people who attended the services are now studying the Bible.
Please pray with us for a great harvest of souls as we continue to make God known in the city.
The theme of the conference was "BUILDtogether" and the speakers and discussions challenged the Elders, Evangelists, Teachers and lay leaders to love God, love people and allow the Spirit to lead the building of the church.
This is an invitation to participate in the “Eyes That See” Month of Missions campaign in May 2024 - an initiative of the Global Missions Service Team.