Ministry Training Academy - Johannesburg, South Africa
Justin Renton • September 14, 2017
The Ministry Training Academy of Johannesburg was first started by Justin Renton and Dave Pocta back in 2011. It follows the 12 course curriculum outlined by the Teachers Service Team and draws students from accoss the 12 countries of Southern Africa.
The first graduates from this six year training program have just received their cirtificates and were at a graduation ceremony at the Johannesburg church building. Excitingly, the program has just restarted with over 80 students enrolling for MTA 2.0 run by Paul Smith and Pat Hlope.Below is a picture of some of the graduating students.
Dr. Mark Ottenweller has had a wild adventure in Christ. Here he shares his story, gives glory to God and expresses gratitude for the church that has helped him and his family
The theme of the conference was "BUILDtogether" and the speakers and discussions challenged the Elders, Evangelists, Teachers and lay leaders to love God, love people and allow the Spirit to lead the building of the church.