After an extraordinary 30 years of service, Dr. Mark Ottenweller's tenure with HOPE worldwide
is coming to a close. While we are happy for Mark to devote more time to his family and other passions, we are very sad to see him go. His reputation for compassionate service spans three decades across dozens of countries. His groundbreaking work will live on in the communities he served for generations to come.
As an ambassador of compassionate service for HOPE worldwide, Mark leaves an impressive legacy:
He launched and managed our groundbreaking Global HIV/AIDS Initiative throughout Africa
He spearheaded the vital disaster response and recovery efforts following the Haiti earthquakes
He pioneered our outstanding Early Childhood Development Programs in South Africa with Dr. Marc Aquirre
He earned the admiration of such notable and influential figures as Nelson Mandela, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Clinton, Magic Johnson, and others with a heart for the needy and marginalized
He preached the healing love of Jesus and greeted everyone – young and old, rich and poor, healthy and sick – with a warm hug and gracious smile
Although Mark is now officially retired, as a central figure of HOPE worldwide, we are planning several events to honor him and express our gratitude in 2019:
April 28 in Atlanta – Program Leaders and the North River Church will host a special event honoring for Mark in his home church.
June 8-15 in South Africa – HOPEww Africa Program Leaders will honor Mark's compassion and influence on a tour of sites he helped found and serve.
October 11-13 in San Diego – The HOPEww Global Conference will host a special event honoring for Mark, recognizing his tremendous career helping those in need.
Mark and his wife Lin set a worthy example of a lifetime of love and service. Please join me in congratulating them on their important work. We look forward to sharing our love and memories as we honor Mark's many years of tremendous sacrifice and dedication to the poor.
Dr. Mark Ottenweller has had a wild adventure in Christ. Here he shares his story, gives glory to God and expresses gratitude for the church that has helped him and his family
The theme of the conference was "BUILDtogether" and the speakers and discussions challenged the Elders, Evangelists, Teachers and lay leaders to love God, love people and allow the Spirit to lead the building of the church.