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Like cold water to a weary soul
is good news from a distant land.
Proverbs 25:25

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International Churches of Christ

By ICOC Disciples Today 22 Jul, 2024
The theme of the conference was "BUILDtogether" and the speakers and discussions challenged the Elders, Evangelists, Teachers and lay leaders to love God, love people and allow the Spirit to lead the building of the church.
29 Jan, 2024
This is an invitation to participate in the “Eyes That See” Month of Missions campaign in May 2024 - an initiative of the Global Missions Service Team.
By ICOC Disciples Today 26 Jul, 2023
#southpacific #australia #icoc
By Disciples Today 08 Jun, 2023
Margaret Chipunza is the CFO of one of the best banks in Zimbabwe, a wife, mother, and a devoted servant in her local church.
By ICOC Disciples Today 14 Apr, 2023
Jessy Tohme and her husband Moufid lead the ICOC church in Beirut, Lebanon. She shares the powerful story of her life and the challenges she’s faced while growing up and raising a family in Lebanon.
By ICOC Disciples Today 11 Mar, 2023
Christian Ray and Deb Flores share their stories of finding Christ and finding each other, and how they use their talents to serve others through @ATXTribe @ascendmissionfund @thirddrive4377.
By Disciples Today 27 Feb, 2023
Asanda Njobeni is a marine biologist, hiker, and a disciple of Jesus. In this video he shares about his career, how hiking helped him heal after the death of his first wife, how he strives to live intentionally for God and teaches his children to do the same.
By HOPE worldwide 16 Feb, 2023
HOPE worldwide is an international charity that changes lives through the compassion and commitment of dedicated staff and volunteers to deliver sustainable, high-impact, community-based services to the materially poor and needy. They are the largest and most well know of the ICOC charities, and serve alongside Especially the Family, Chance for Africa and others. For more information click on the links below.
24 Nov, 2022
Disciples Today serves many parts of the ICOC family of churches - here are some of the highlights from 2022.
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